Center for Spirituality Announces Spring Lectures


Center for Spirituality's Spring Lecture Series titled “Illuminating the Word”

Media contact:
Gwen O’Brien
Director of Media Relations
Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 284-4579

January 12, 2011 (Notre Dame, Ind.)—Last fall’s gift of the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible to Saint Mary's College inspired the theme for the Center for Spirituality’s 2011 Spring Lecture Series. The series is titled “Illuminating the Word”, referring to the illuminated pages of the The Saint John’s Bible, on permanent display in the Cushwa-Leighton Library.

The Saint John’s Bible is a hand-calligraphied, hand-illuminated Bible that took a team of scribes and artists more than a decade to complete. It features 160 vibrant illuminations. The illumination of a manuscript is a centuries-old practice where gold leaf is used to accent brightly colored illustrations. The intended effect is the gold, which reflects off the page, paired with the sacred word “reflects” God’s presence. The Heritage Edition is a full-size, fine art reproduction of The Saint John’s Bible.

The three “Illuminating the Word” lectures are free and open to the public. While not every lecture will refer to The Saint John’s Bible, each speaker will cast new light on our general understandings of the Scriptures.

Lecture #1: Feminist Interpretations of the Bible

Speaker: Barbara E. Reid, OP, Professor of New Testament Studies and Vice President and Academic Dean, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

Date: Thursday, February 3 

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Place: Stapleton Lounge, Le Mans Hall

Lecture #2: Scripture and Spirituality: Touching a Finger to the Flame

Speaker: Carolyn Osiek, Catholic Distinguished Visiting Professor of New Testament, Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University

Date: Tuesday, March 1

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Place: Stapleton Lounge, Le Mans Hall

Lecture #3: A Librarian Looks at The Saint John's Bible

Speaker: Robert Hohl, Librarian, Saint Mary's College

Date: Tuesday, March 22

Time: 4 p.m.

Place: Vander Vennet Theatre, Student Center

The Center for Spirituality’s 2011 Spring Lecture Series is sponsored by the Saint Mary’s College Annual Endowed Lecture Series Fund. For more information, please email Kathy Guthrie in the Center for Spirituality or call her at (574) 284-4636. Click for a campus map.

About Saint Mary’s College: Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Ind., is a four-year, Catholic, women’s institution offering five bachelor’s degrees and more than 30 major areas of study. Saint Mary’s College has six nationally accredited academic programs: social work, art, music, teacher education, chemistry and nursing. Saint Mary’s College ranks among the top 100 “Best National Liberal Arts Colleges” in the U.S. News & World Report 2011 College Guide. Founded in 1844, Saint Mary’s is a pioneer in the education of women, and is sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross.