Telephone & Voicemail Maintenance and Repair

The telephone equipment located in your residence hall room is owned by Saint Mary's College. To report difficulty with your phone, call the Telecommunications Office at extension 4696 between 8am - noon and 1-5pm, Monday through Friday. From 5pm - 8am weekends, and holidays, contact the hall director on duty or the Security Department at extension 5000. We must have your permission to gain entrance to your room or wait until you can be there to meet our technician.

DO NOT CALL AT&T. This is not their equipment and they will levy a substantial charge against any number calling them for service. This charge will be passed on to you.

Routine repairs are performed at no charge. Repairs of College equipment resulting from abuse will be charged to the occupant(s) of the room. A penalty may also be assessed to recover the cost of repair.