Welcome Students

The links to the left include most of the important registration and records related information of which you need to be aware.  Also below is the Office of the Registrar policy regarding official communication with students. 

Official Communication

All students are assigned a Saint Mary's College email address and communications from academic and administrative departments are often sent to this email address.  It is the Office of the Registrar policy that the students' SMC email is the official means of communication with students. 

Students are responsible for receiving, reading, complying with, and responding to email communications from the Registrar.  A student's failure to receive or read communications sent to her SMC email address does not absolve her from knowing and complying with the content of the official communication.  

In addition, the Office of the Registrar homepage is the primary source for all records and registration information, deadlines and other academic resources.


Updating Directory Information

  • Addresses:  Students must maintain current  local and permanent addresses to assure that College mailings are received. On-campus address changes are processed by the Office of Residence Life.  Off-campus students should maintain their local mailing address with the College.

Submit all address changes and updates  to addresschange@saintmarys.edu.  Include your name, SMC ID# and the appropriate address information.

  • Phone Numbers:  Students can update their cell, emergency and permanent phone numbers by logging into PRISM/Student/ Enter/Update Cell, Local, and Emergency Phone Numbers.