Who We Are
The Faculty Assembly's membership consists of those faculty who hold academic rank and the professional librarians of the College, but does not include those persons who hold an administrative position higher than department chair. The Faculty Assembly may admit to membership persons who are not admitted by the preceding rule. (Governance Manual [GM] V-3.C.III)
Why We Exist
The Faculty Assembly, by its charter, is an autonomous faculty organization. The Assembly is organized to furnish an ordered structure for the faculty as a body to carry out its governance responsibilities to College governance as members of the Faculty Assembly and as participants in the Board of Trustees, in the committees of the Trustees, and in the councils and committees of the College administration. (GM V-2.B.1)
Our Role in the Governance of the College
Saint Mary's College endorses the fundamental concept of shared governance through the inclusion of faculty and student participation in the Board of Trustees, the committees of the Board of Trustees, and the councils and committees of the College administration. The faculty endorse this concept and participate fully in the shared governance of the College. In recognition of their autonomy and special responsibilities as officers of instruction, however, the faculty of the College have established their own governance body: the Faculty Assembly. One of the essential functions of the Assembly is to articulate, augment, and coordinate the faculty's participation in the governance of the College. (GM V-1.A)
Resolution on Part-Time Faculty Participation
Resolved: That recognizing interest in the business of the Faculty Assembly on the part of those who hold part-time appointments, but also recognizing that other commitments may interfere with their active participation in that business, the Assembly accords membership to any person holding in Saint Mary's College a part-time teaching or library appointment, excluding any who hold an administrative position higher than department chair, during any meeting of the Assembly at which the part-time individual is present and for any committee activity which the part-time appointee may accept. (Approved August 24, 1978) GM V-17.3
Revised 08/12/04