The Parents Council


image: parents council

The Parents Council provides these web pages to give Saint Mary's parents important information about the Saint Mary's Community and offer insight into the Saint Mary's College experience... as only a Parent can. We invite you to explore the information.


Established in 1966, the purpose of the Parents Council is to enrich student life by bringing parents' perspectives and support to issues facing the College. The Parents Council has raised funds for numerous projects, including improved lighting, endowment of the Presidential Merit Scholarship for Academic Excellence Fund, athletic equipment, and construction of Dalloway's Coffeehouse.

Purpose & Mission of the Parents Council

The President’s Office invites a select group of parents, representing each class and various geographic regions of the country to serve as advisors to the College. This group, known as the Parents Council, offers input concerning issues and ideas from a parent’s perspective, receives in depth information about specific college directions and issues, participates in various development initiatives, and helps with student recruitment.