CAT Sites and Current Programs
There are many levels of involvement available with the CAT Program varying from 30 minutes once a week to 10+ hours per involved you are is up to you!
CAT After-school tutoring at Harrison Primary Center
Tutors will meet with the children after school in small groups or one-on-one to work with them on their reading comprehension skills, math skills, help them with their homework, and also serve as mentors. The children that attend this after school program are fourth graders that need additional support in math and literacy. Our program ratio is 2-3 Harrison students to 1 Saint Mary's student.
The program at Harrison runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:20-4pm (budget your time to leave SMC at 2pm and return at 4:15pm). Transportation is available.
CAT After-School Tutoring at Navarre Intermediate Center
Tutors will meet with the students after school in small groups or one-on-one to work with them on their reading comprehension skills, math skills, help them with their homework, and also serve as mentors. The students that attend this after school program are a mix of fifth and sixth graders that need additional support in math and literacy.
The program at Navarre runs Mondays and Wednesday from 3:20-5:00pm (budget your time to leave SMC at 3pm and return at 5:15pm). Transportation is available.
CAT Teachers’ Assistants at Harrison Primary Center
CAT Teacher’s assistants are in the classrooms helping teachers with various tasks. In the past, TA’s have done everything ranging from helping with small group work. to reading to a child, to becoming an integral part of the teacher’s curriculum. Your responsibilities in the classroom will vary and good communication with your teacher is absolutely necessary. Volunteers must attend mandatory trainings before tutoring begins and are highly encouraged to attend on-campus speakers related to the CAT program. The program runs Monday-Friday and you may schedule your time anytime during the school day between 8am-2pm.
Pen Pal Program
The Pen Pal Program is a unique way of mentoring a child. Saint Mary's students are paired with an middle school student from Navarre to exchange weekly letters for the school year. Pen pal have the opportunity to come to campus and meet each other as part of the program.