When you study geriatric neuropsychiatry at Saint Mary’s College, you’ll learn how to become a nurse practitioner who helps aging patients live independent lives, as well as how to decrease misdiagnoses, pharmaceutical mismanagement and reliance on antipsychotic medications.

Finishing Will Take

  • One Year
  • 15 credit hours

You Can Begin In

Fall 2024 or January 2025

Course structure

  • Online
  • One visit to campus
  • Courses
    • NURS 619 Social Determinants of Health
    • NURS 745 Policy, Regulatory Compliance in the Care of Older Adults
    • NURS 735 Geriatric Neuropsychiatric Pathophysiology & Differential Diagnosis
    • NURS 740 Palliative Care for Individuals & Families
    • NURS 737 Geriatric Neuropsychiatric Pharmacology