Studying abroad will require both planning and flexibility.  If you are considering studying abroad, discuss the idea with your academic advisor, your major departmental advisor(s), and family. 

Departmental Information

It is very important to begin planning as soon as possible for a study abroad experience.  If you haven’t yet met with your advisor in your major department(s), please do so as soon as possible. Our office works with a liaison in each department.   If you don’t yet have an advisor, contact the liaison for your specific department(s).  

Each department has a study abroad plan/guide to help students prepare.  Please see the Department Plans page for more information.   You should still meet with your department advisor to discuss your specific plan.  

Each department has also specified the best semesters to go abroad.

Department Liaisons Department Plans Best Semesters to Study Abroad

General Education Courses

The most common path is for Saint Mary's students to fulfill general education requirements while abroad.  Each partner university offers classes which are accepted by Saint Mary's College to fulfill general education requirements.  Saint Mary's students have access to a spreadsheet where they can find information about classes in each country that are pre-approved to count for general education requirements.

Pre-Approved Courses

Courses for Majors and Minors

In some cases, students can receive approval from their major or minor departments for courses they take abroad to count towards their major or minor.  Students will need to gather syllabus information and seek written approval from their department advisor. 

The Saint Mary's College Writing Requirement (the "W")

Students are strongly encouraged to have completed their Writing ("W") requirement before studying abroad. 

Credits While Abroad

The number of credits a student will receive depends on the length of the program.  Students who study abroad during the academic year are required to be enrolled in a full academic course load, which is equivalent to a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester at Saint Mary's.  

GPA and Study Abroad

The GPA requirements depend upon the specific program you choose.  Please refer to the information provided on the program brochures.    

Grades from study abroad are calculated into a student's GPA just as they are while on campus.  All the grades that a Saint Mary’s student receives while abroad will appear on their transcript and will be calculated into their Grade Point Average.

Foreign Language Considerations

Immersive language programs are available in France, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and Spain.  Students live with host families (except in Puerto Rico) and all classes are in French or Spanish.  

Saint Mary’s College believes that language study greatly enhances the experience of studying in a country where English is not the primary language.  In some cases, Saint Mary’s students will be required to take language courses if they study in a country where English is not the primary language.  See the specific program brochures for details.