Saint Mary’s College Presents the 44th Annual Madrigal Dinners

October 28, 2016 (Notre Dame, Ind.) — The Saint Mary’s College Department of Music is proud to present its 44th annual Madrigal Dinner, a Renaissance-style holiday banquet and performance celebration, December 2-4 in the North Lounge of Regina Hall. Click for a campus map.

The merry feast consists of a four course meal and is sure to thrill children of all ages with entertainment provided by colorfully attired singers, actors, dancers, instrumentalists, jugglers, a jester, all narrated by the Master of the House.

The festive production was given a revival in 2012 in celebration of the 40th anniversary with an original play written by Susan Baxter, a professor in the Department of Communication Studies. Students and faculty conducted research to make sure the enhancements were in keeping with the historical era. Together these additions provide an exciting update to the Madrigal Dinners, yet preserve the spirit and tradition of the holiday celebration. 

This is the 33rd year that Nancy Menk, professor of music, director of choral activities, and the Mary Lou and Judd Leighton Chair in Music, has conducted the Madrigals.

Accompanying the entertainment is a holiday feast prepared by dining services on campus. The meal includes prime rib (Cornish hen for the matinee), roasted potatoes, glazed carrots, Waldorf salad, wassail, and cheesecake with flaming cherries. Children and vegetarian menus are also available. 

Madrigal Dinners
December 2 & 3 | 7 p.m.
December 4 | 2 p.m.
North Lounge, Regina Hall
Saint Mary’s College
Tickets $18-$35
574.284.4626 |

Contact for News Media: Kris Robinson, Office of Campus and Community Events, or (574) 284-4906. 

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