President Jan Cervelli Shares Sexual Assault Climate Survey Results with Campus Community

October 11, 2016 (Notre Dame, Ind.) — Saint Mary’s kicked off “It’s On Us” Week on campus with the release of results from a campus sexual assault climate survey last night in Carroll Auditorium, Madeleva Hall. President Jan Cervelli shared the results of the survey that Saint Mary’s students participated in during spring 2016. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend the presentation and discussion of this information, which is essential to the strategies the College will develop to prevent sexual assault and promote student safety.

“These results are critical to informing the strategies Saint Mary’s will develop to prevent sexual assault, support victims, and promote student safety,” President Cervelli said. “Everyone in the campus community has a role to play and ‘It’s On Us Week’ presents an opportunity to develop a better understanding of how we can work together to solve this problem.”

Saint Mary’s administered the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Consortium’s Sexual Assault Climate Survey in January and February 2016. HEDS is a consortium of more than 100 private colleges and universities. A total of 49 HEDS institutions participated in the survey during the 2015-2016 academic year. Results in the Saint Mary’s summary are isolated to women respondents at the participating institutions to control for gender differences in response. It’s the first time the College has participated in the survey. Results can be found here.

President Cervelli, who began her term in June 2016, considers sexual assault prevention a top priority. Collaborating with the presidents of the University of Notre Dame and Holy Cross College, she is working to develop a comprehensive strategy of prevention education and support for those affected by sexual assault. 

Last night's Town Hall Climate Survey Forum is one in a series of events held during the “It’s On Us” Week of Action, beginning on campuses nationwide on Monday. Saint Mary’s “It’s On Us” activities are coordinated by Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO). The “It’s On Us” campaign was launched by the White House in 2014 to educate students about the active role they can play in preventing sexual assault.

Other events at Saint Mary’s College throughout the week include:

Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m.

“It’s On Us” peace of mind yoga

Regina Dance Studio 

Wednesday, October 12 at 4:30 p.m.

“It’s On Us”/domestic violence soccer game

Patricia Weidner Athletic Fields  

Thursday, October 13

“On Thursday’s We Wear Purple” to boost awareness

Friday, October 14, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“It’s On Us” Pledge Drive

Student Center 


Contact for News Media: Haleigh Ehmsen, Media Relations Associate, Saint Mary’s College, (574) 284-5343

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