Sister Christine Healy, CSC Award for Service with Women

Olivia Pahl, right, recipient of the Sister Christine Healy, CSC Award for Service with Women, ang her nomintor Connie Adams, right, director of the Belles Against Violence Office. Center is Saint Mary's College President Carol Ann Mooney.
Olivia Pahl, right, recipient of the Sister
Christine Healy, CSC Award for Service
with Women, and her nomintor Connie
Adams, left, director of the Belles Against
Violence Office. Center is Saint Mary's
College President Carol Ann Mooney.
The Sister Christine Healy Award is given to a Saint Mary’s student for exemplary service working with women. I am proud to award this year’s winner, Olivia Pahl '13. Olivia is dedicated to addressing the issues of violence and abuse. As an active member of the Belles Against Violence Office Student Advisory Committee, Olivia has taken strong leadership roles among her peers. While she is always willing to dedicate her time and energy to logistical tasks, she has the capacity to create a unique vision and bring her vision into a reality.

Olivia approached me this past fall with a desire to increase prevention efforts in local high schools. I connected her with a local nonprofit, SOS, which has historically implemented education programming in local schools. SOS welcomed Olivia's vision and energy. Through collaboration, she developed a student-centered curriculum on healthy relationships.

The program was launched in February and has filled a significant gap within our community. To date, the program has reached 650 students and been presented in five schools with an additional two scheduled. Olivia has overseen the development, marketing, implementation, and evaluation of the program. While Olivia recognized the prevalence of abuse when starting this venture, personal disclosures of first- and secondhand accounts continue to propel the project forward. This type of education is critical to healthy communities and I applaud Olivia for her initiative and drive. As Olivia has said, “When [dating violence and sexual assault] happen, a person can face many challenges and obstacles that can be difficult to face and overcome. When communities are acting proactively, individuals will have to face these obstacles and challenges less frequently.”

Olivia has a passion for empowering women and has truly impacted not only Saint Mary's, but the larger Michiana community. It is with great privilege that I present The Sister Christine Healy, CSC Award for Service with Women to Olivia Pahl.

~Citation read by Connie Adams, director of the Belles Against Violence Office, at Volunteer Service Awards Dinner, April 9, 2013.

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