Draft Lay Ministry

Washing of feet

If you are a student who has been active in ministry or is interested in growing in her faith, consider the Lay Ministry Program.  Did you know lay ministers are the hands and feet of Christ in a parish?  As a student of lay ministry, engage in youth ministry in a local parish, experience hospital ministry or catechize children about the faith.  In addition to the experiential learning, you will take specific religious studies courses in the theology of ministry. After successfully completing the program you will earn a minor in religious studies.

Alumnae of the program have done the following:

*gone on to graduate school in theology

*been accepted into Echo and Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) programs at Notre Dame

*become skilled teachers of religion in Catholic elementary schools

*participated in post-graduate volunteer service programs such as Dominican Volunteer Services

Students who have completed this minor have majored in;

*elementary education


*communication studies


                              God calls. We respond!

                                                Grace Uranker and Haley Koth

Graduates of the Lay Ministry Program
       Grace Uranker and Haley Koth


Contact person: Regina C. Wilson
Director of Campus Ministry
164 Regina Hall
(574) 284-5382