Ministry Assistants
You’ve heard of Resident Assistants (RAs). We have Ministry Assistants (MAs), too.. MAs provide pastoral support, social outreach opportunities, and programs that engage students in theological reflection, prayer and the celebration of the joys and sorrows of daily life. You’ll find an MA in each residence hall.
One student commented, "Being a Ministry Assistant allows me to grow in my faith, make a positive impact on the community developed in the resident's halls, and serve God through service to residents and members of the South Bend Community."
Campus Ministry Interns
We welcome your involvement as a paid Campus Ministry Intern. Interns collaborate with campus ministers in promoting and supporting the spiritual life of students on campus.
You will:
*experience the love of God in Jesus Christ
*support the spiritual life of students on campus
*invite others to become involved in Campus Ministry
*offer compassion to students in need of welcome
*lead prayer
*facilitate small groups and retreats
*provide liturgical leadership
Peer Ministers