Welcome to the Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar provides services to current students, alumni, the campus community, as well as outside agencies. Primary services include: academic records maintenance, enrollment and registration, transcript and diploma processing, and maintenance of the annual College Bulletin.
Todd Norris, Registrar
Academic Policy, VA Liason, Curriculum and Standards
Pam Johnson, Assistant Registrar
Sytems/Reporting, Academic Scheduling/Enrollment, ND/SMC Co-Exchange Program Liason
Dawn Rizek, Assistant Registrar
Transcript/Diploma Processing, Academic Record Maintenance, Graduate Program Liason
161 Le Mans Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Frequently Searched Items
Undergraduate Bulletin Schedule of Coures Transcript Requests
Saint Mary's is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program for qualified veterans. Contact the Financial Aid office for more information on this program.