Saint Mary’s student receives Saint Catherine Medal

May 13, 2019 (Notre Dame, Ind.) —  Interim President Nancy Nekvasil awarded the Saint Catherine Medal to Anne Maguire ’20 at Honors Convocation, a ceremony honoring graduating seniors, on Sunday, May 5.

The award goes to a sophomore or junior who exemplifies excellence in leadership, scholarship, faith, and service — the values of Kappa Gamma Pi, the National Catholic College Graduate Honor Society, who sponsors this award. This year one junior was honored with the award, commemorating Saint Catherine of Alexandria, the patron saint of scholars. Maguire, a native of Madison, Wisc., is the 53rd student to receive this honor in the College’s 175 year history. Previous recipients include alumnae leaders who have gone on to become CEOs, lawyers, principals, and more.

Annie Maguire, Class of 2020Students, faculty, and staff nominate candidates for the Saint Catherine Medal and the Academic Affairs Council makes the final selection. The recipient of the award is kept secret until Honors Convocation.

Interim President Nekvasil said Maguire greatly deserved to receive the medal. “She has demonstrated leadership and service grounded deeply in her Catholic faith,” Nekvasil noted. “It is an honor to confer this award on such a giving, humble, caring young woman.”

As a first-year student, Maguire founded Project SHE (Spreading Hope through Education) to teach leadership skills to middle school children across South Bend. She quickly became a leader in the Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassadors program through Campus Ministry. She tutored children both in South Bend and while she studied abroad in Spain.

Maguire said of the award, “It is a great honor to be recognized by the Saint Mary's community with this medal. I am deeply grateful that the College has supported me in my pursuit of justice and social change throughout my three years in college.”

Her passion for making a difference is connected to her deep relationship with God. As a leader on the First Year Retreat, she offered moving testimony and compassionate outreach to students in her group, following up with them for many months post-retreat. Her work with Catholic Relief Services flows from her understanding of faith in action.

“I have been blessed with many life-giving relationships with Saint Mary's professors, staff, and community members, receiving guidance and support at each and every step in my journey,” Maguire said. “Saint Mary's has provided me with an abundance of resources as I feel called to engage in the civic learning of service in my community. I strive to show my thanks to those who have loved me along the way by giving back to the world with an open mind and heart.”

Contact for News Media: Haleigh Ehmsen, Assistant Director of Integrated Communications, Saint Mary’s College, (574) 284-5343

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