Regan's Road to Rome

Regan Hattersley ’19 wants to take every opportunity she has to make the most of her time at Saint Mary’s College. As a first-generation college student, she is exploring everything college has to offer, and after hearing about Saint Mary’s popular and well-established study abroad programs, Regan knew this was one of the opportunities she wanted to explore. Even though financially she was not sure if she could afford a semester abroad, she decided apply and see what happened.

Regan Hattersley, class of 2019 When she was accepted to the Rome program, she knew she had to do whatever it took to spend the fall 2017 semester in Rome.

Whatever it took meant applying for over 100 summer jobs and searching for scholarships. Her advisor for the study abroad program suggested applying for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship through the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program enables students with high financial need to participate in study abroad programs and career-oriented internships abroad. The highly competitive scholarship had over 2,900 applicants for the Fall 2017 and provided grants to 100 more students than usual.

The summer prior to her trip, Regan returned home and started working two jobs, saving every penny while she waited to hear about the Gilman scholarship. As she was waiting to find out if she was chosen, more days were passing, she considered withdrawing from the Rome program. Regan was not sure if she would be able to afford it even with the money she made working over the summer.

A few days later, Regan opened her email to discover she had been chosen as a Gilman Scholar for the fall 2017. All doubt was erased and a huge weight was lifted, as it was now possible for her to spend the semester in Rome.


Smiling big in Rome, Regan plans to treat this semester the same way she has treated previous semesters by taking every opportunity given to her and making the most of her time abroad. Her plans are to see as many museums as she can, enjoy as much of the delicious pizza, pasta, and gelato Rome has to offer, and of course, attend class.

She is eternally grateful for the opportunity the Gilman Scholarship has given her to “learn and grow as an independent young woman during this amazing semester in the eternal city.”

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