New Title IX Officer Announced
New BAVO Coordinator announced as well
In a letter to the Saint Mary's community, President Katie Conboy announced that Elizabeth Baumann, LCSW was selected to serve as the College's first full-time Title IX officer.
"The safety of our campus is vitally important to the experience of students and employees, and we are focused on continuous improvement in this area," Conboy stated. "One of our most important actions last fall was to bring an external Title IX expert to campus to review our sexual violence resources, education, and response efforts. We later received a detailed set of recommendations."
Baumann started at Saint Mary’s in 2019 as the coordinator of the Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO), and most recently served as the Director of Student Involvement & Advocacy. For the past two years, she has organized the Raise Your Voice Sexual Violence symposium, an event that brings awareness to survivors and their stories through speakers and events. The event takes place each April during National Sexual Violence Prevention Month. "In her new role, Liz will use the recommendations we received from the review from last fall to shape her future work. Her extensive knowledge of Saint Mary's, our students’ needs, and the tri-campus community will help us move quickly to advance our Title IX work on campus."
Conboy also welcomed Shannon Warfield as the new Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO) coordinator. Warfield, who started her position this week, has worked in the field of survivor advocacy for more than 10 years. She previously worked at the Office of the Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney as a Victim's Advocate, then went on to found the Elkhart DW Victim Advocacy Center.
Conboy expressed gratitude for those on campus who have carried the responsibility for the College's Title IX enforcement as a part of their larger roles, including Dean of Students Gloria Jenkins and HR Director Kris Urschel.
Follow the links for more information on Title IX, BAVO, and past Raise Your Voice Sexual Violence Symposium events.
September 6, 2023