Crossroads Rumble: The Saint Mary’s STUNT Tournament


Save the date for February 15 and 16 as Saint Mary’s College hosts its first-ever STUNT competition in the Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex. The tournament will feature 10 teams and approximately 180 student-athletes from Divisions II, III, and Division I clubs across the Great Lakes region.


The Saint Mary's College Department of Athletics announced the addition of STUNT as the newest varsity program and hired Jillian Humphrey as the head coach selected to build the program. Saint Mary's is Indiana's first NCAA Division III college to add STUNT as a varsity sport.  


STUNT is governed by the USA Federation for Sport Cheering. According to USA Cheer, the sport focuses on the technical and athletic components of cheer, specifically focusing on partner stunts, pyramids, basket tosses, group jumps, and tumbling. Each of those elements are combined into short routines in which two teams perform head-to-head in a four-quarter format. 


Head Coach Jillian Humphrey shared her excitement:


“Please come out and support the Saint Mary's STUNT team on February 15 and 16 for our first and only home tournament of the season. The Belles look forward to showcasing their skills and answering the question everyone would like to know: What is STUNT? Join us in celebrating Valentine's Day by wearing pink to both games the Belles will play on February 15 and blue for the games on February 16.”


Witness the Crossroads Rumble on Saturday, February 15, from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. and Sunday, February 16, from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 


Competition Times for the Belles:

February 15: 10:15 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.

February 16: 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.


For more information about the STUNT program and links to live stream the competitions, visit


Come cheer on the Belles and experience the excitement of this inaugural tournament!  


January 23, 2025 

Please come out and support the Saint Mary's STUNT team on February 15 and 16 for our first and only home tournament of the season.

- Jillian Humphrey, STUNT Coach
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