Sister Maria Concepta McDermott, CSC Award for Service in Education

Elizabeth Litke, center, recipient of the Sister Maria Concepta McDermott, CSC Award for Service in Education, pictured with her nominator, Mary Ann Traxler, chair of the Department of Education, right, and Carol Ann Mooney, president of Saint Mary's.
Elizabeth Litke, center, recipient of the Sister Maria
Concepta McDermott, CSC Award for Service in
Education, pictured with her nominator, Mary Ann
Traxler, chair of the Department of Education, right,
and Carol Ann Mooney, president of Saint Mary's.
Elizabeth Litke ’13
has taught in a variety of settings, volunteering her expertise as an educator in diverse classrooms in the local area and beyond. In addition to her successful field study experience at several public and Catholic schools in the area, she has tutored third and fourth graders in the College Academy of Tutoring for three years. As a team member of Totus Tuus, Liz taught religion to students in grades 1-12. While studying in Cordoba, Argentina during spring semester 2011, she helped teach an English night class. Liz has also capitalized on her swimming ability as she has taught swimming lessons during several summers and served as co-captain of Saint Mary's College Varsity Swim Team during her senior year. In addition to student teaching this semester, Liz is also taking EDUC 408 - Theory and Practice of Multicultural Service Learning Pedagog, which involves designing and implementing a service learning project. She volunteers at the South Bend Center for the Homeless on a weekly basis, working with two classmates to conduct a reading workshop for the elementary school-age residents. She is doing this in addition to her full time duties as a student teacher.

~Citation read by Mary Ann Traxler, professor and chair of the Department of Education, and Karen Van Meter, professional specialist in the Department of Education, at Volunteer Service Awards Dinner, April 9, 2013.

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