Constitution Day Panel Discussion

On September 17, 1787 one of the most influential documents in the United States’ history was adopted into law. Each year, colleges around the country celebrate the U.S. Constitution on the anniversary of its ratification. A Constitution Day panel discussion will be held at Saint Mary's College on Monday, September 17, 2012 at 12 p.m. in Welsh/Haggar Parlor of Haggar College Center (2nd floor). Click for a campus map. The event is free and open to the public.

This year three of the College’s professors from three different departments will take part in a panel to discuss their view on the Constitution and its importance in our lives today. Panelists include Susan Baxter, a communication studies faculty member; Edith Miguda, assistant professor of history; and Sean Savage, professor of political science.

The Center for Academic Innovation at Saint Mary’s is sponsoring Constitution Day and Michael Kramer, associate professor of communication studies, is coordinating it. He can be reached at

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