CANCELED: Judge to Discuss Domestic Violence
The Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO) at Saint Mary’s College invites the public to a free lecture by Saint Mary's College alumna Mary M. (Rukavina) Kuhnmuench ’78, a Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge and the presiding judge of the Domestic Violence Division. Her lecture is titled “Ending Domestic Violence: From the Campus to the Community to the Courts; Everyone’s Responsibility.” The talk will take place at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 10 in the Student Center Lounge. Click for a campus map.
Kuhnmuench has been actively involved in the Milwaukee-area Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT), an interdisciplinary team working to enhance the response efforts of professionals when responding to domestic violence cases. During her presentation, Kuhnmuench will discuss CCRTs and how they can be utilized in local communities.
Kuhnmuench is currently president of the Wisconsin Trial Judges Association and secretary of the Executive Committee of the Wisconsin Judicial Conference. The Wisconsin Law Journal has honored her as a Leader in the Law. Kuhnmuench is a past recipient of the Association for Woman Lawyers Mentoring Award and Community Service Award. The United States Department of Justice awarded her their Special Commendation for her contributions to the Domestic Violence Judicial Oversight Initiative in Milwaukee County.
As a student at Saint Mary’s College, Kuhnmuench majored in English writing and speech communications and minored in history and government. She served as the student body president and the student representative to the Saint Mary's College Board of Regents as a student at Saint Mary's College. She received her law degree from New England College.
The event is sponsored by BAVO, the Department of Political Science, and the Career Crossings Office at Saint Mary’s College.