Sister Wilfrida Peabody

Sister Wilfrida Peabody, CSCSister Wilfrida Peabody, CSC

( - January 11, 2009) 

Please, join in prayer of thanksgiving for this Sister of the Holy Cross who died on January 11, 2009.


Sister Wilfrida was a kind and loving religious devoted to whatever work she was assigned.  She loved her community and her family with a simplicity that endeared her to all. 


Most of her ministry years were spent as a hospital dietitian where her dedication to the task at hand was demonstrated daily in her care for the patients' needs, which were her primary concern. The hours she spent meticulously attending to the dietary needs of the hospital personnel frequently prevented her from joining in the usual community prayer, but fatigue never interfered with her devotion to her God.  She was often seen in the chapel after evening recreation just so she could spend that precious time of prayer she missed. 

Not only did she care for the patients in the hospital, she cared for the sisters with whom she lived.  Whenever a group of the sisters could manage to get a few days of rest and relaxation, she took great care in preparing groceries and special goodies for them.  She was always anxious that others had what they liked and needed.

Though she was a very retiring person, never putting herself forward in any situation, she loved interacting with people on a one-to-one basis. During her years of service at Mary's Solitude it was those on retreat that reaped the reward of her special attentiveness and care.  Many wrote afterward of their positive experience and almost always mentioned the kindness and care that Sister Wilfrida had given them.  She was a tremendous role model of a humble, caring religious.

Sister Wilfrida loved nature, and after coming to Saint Mary's she delighted in the opportunity to walk around the campus.  She spent any available time she had outside.  Sister was often seen walking in the cemetery where no doubt she spent time talking to her God.

She is with him now in joyous and eternal conversation.  

Funeral arrangements for Sister are  as follows:  Reception of the body and wake on Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. with the Mass of Resurrection on Thursday, January 15, 2009, at 10:30 a.m.  All of these ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto.  May Sister Wilfrida rest in peace.


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