Sister M. Odile Lindorfer, CSC
(May 18, 1915 - April 8, 2010)
Please, join in prayer of thanksgiving for this Sister of the Holy Cross who died on April 8, 2010 in Saint Mary's Convent.
Sister Odile’s life of ministry was spent in ancillary services. She was one of the most unassuming religious one could know. Someone remarked, "She was so retiring, she almost blended into the woodwork." But this statement is far from the true facts when considering the very important role she played in the 37 years she spent as the "upstairs sister" in the priests’ house at Saint Mary’s.
Anyone who had the privilege of temporary duty to help upstairs in Sister Odile’s domain knew that sister had complete control of the total situation. She knew each priest’s likes and dislikes, in how they wanted their rooms kept and in particular, how to make the bed to each ones’ liking. She was a master at spoiling each priest; catering to their needs and wishes. Needless to say, they loved the attention she lavished on them and the remarkable way in which she quickly learned the living pattern of each new resident. Even the visitors were treated to the meticulous manner she had of providing for their every comfort. Commenting on her own approach to housework she shyly proclaimed, "Every nook ’n cranny could pass the ‘white-glove’ test," and this was the absolute truth.
Many will remember how Father Tom Feely, CSC, became her good friend and was remarkable in his ability to draw her out of her ordinarily quiet self. This surprised her, but astounded those who thought they knew this shy and self-effacing sister.
Holy Cross was a part of Sister Odile’s family background. She had two aunts in the congregation, her probable namesake Sister Odilia, CSC, (McFaul) and Sister Cordula, CSC, (McFaul) who was a tall, dignified religious and a talented composer. Family resemblance was obvious in the way in which Sister Odile carried her slim self in that same stately manner, making her seem much taller than she actually was.
Sister’s devotion to "her" priests, to duty and to prayer was legendary so no one can be surprised that she unobtrusively accomplished so much as she lived out her life in Holy Cross doing ordinary daily tasks lovingly.
Funeral arrangements for sister are as follows: Reception of the body and wake with memento on Monday, April 12, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. with the Mass of Resurrection at 1:30 p.m. the same day. All of these ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto.
May Sister Odile rest in peace.