Sister Davida McKenna, CSC
(- January 3, 2008)
Please, join in prayer of thanksgiving
for this Sister of the Holy Cross who
died on January 3, 2008.
Sister Davida characterized her congregational role as "a desk job" because she worked for so many years as treasurer/secretary at various levels of administration. In community, finance was her ministry vocation but anything having to do with sports was definitely her avocation and she excelled in both areas.
She reluctantly served two terms on the General Council, but true to her dedication to duty she entered wholeheartedly into the tasks at hand. One of what she termed the "perks" of being on the council during Mother Olivette's term was the opportunity to visit many of the missions abroad in order to gain a perspective before voting on decisions relating to the congregational goals for the missions. It was during the post-Vatican II period that she became immersed in the process of implementing the decisions that came from the work of Vatican Council II. Religious life changed dramatically as religious orders adopted Vatican norms and rewrote their own constitutions, taking a new look at issues of authority, community and identity. Sister Davida spearheaded the congregation's updating process.
Before entering the community Sister Davida pursued every sport available to her, but swimming was her specialty and she won many medals in that field. Her love of sports carried over to her life in community where she directed athletic activities whenever the opportunity presented itself. She knew the language of the sports world and was conversant about the champions in every field.
One aspect of Sister's life that she rarely spoke about was her deep relationship with her Lord. During the many years of serving on the General Council with Sister Davida, Sister Gerald remembers how Sister Davida was always the first one in the chapel each morning and spent long periods in prayer and meditation. She rejoices now as she sees her Lord face-to-face.
Funeral arrangements for Sister Davida are as follows: Reception of the body and wake on Sunday, January 6, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. with the funeral Mass on Monday, January 7, 2008, at 10:30 a.m. All of these ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto. May Sister rest in peace.