Sister Suzanne Holloway, CSC
(- December 29, 2007)
Please, join in prayer of thanksgiving
for this Sister of the Holy Cross who
died on December 29, 2007.
Sister Suzanne spent 35 years as a teacher and administrator, most of those years were teaching English to junior high youngsters, which can be a challenge in itself, but she claimed she loved it, “because there was never a dull moment in a classroom of teenagers.”
Ill health required her to leave the field of teaching but she loved being with young people so working in the sacristy at the University of Notre Dame gave her the opportunity to continue that fulfilling aspect of her life. She gained many friends during her years serving at the basilica, in particular the rector, Father Daniel Jenky, CSC, now Bishop Jenky of the Diocese of Peoria, became a close friend of hers. When he was named bishop sister made him a bed-sized afghan with a Notre Dame theme. She worried that she would not be able to finish it because of failing eyesight but in her fashion of refusing to quit, she accomplished this last cherished task for her friend. During her active years, she made more than 90 bed-sized afghans, each a work of art.
It cannot go unsaid, “Sister Suzanne was a dog person.” She loved all animals but dogs were her favorite. Her room was filled with dog reminders of every sort—stuffed, pictured or sculptured, she loved them all. Nothing gave her more delight than to receive a clever holiday card featuring some fancy dog on the front. She shared each of these treasures with her other dog-loving friends and this gave her great joy.
Receiving Holy Communion each day was very important to her and she looked forward to the privilege. She reverently received Jesus even up to the last few days before her death. She was a person with a heart full of love. May she rest in peace.
Funeral arrangements for Sister Suzanne are as follows: Reception of the body on Wednesday, January 2, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. with the funeral Mass at 1:30 p.m. the same day. These ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto.