Sister Gerald Hartney, CSC
( - September 10, 2008)
Word has been received of the death of Sister Gerald (Hartney), who died at 8:47 a.m. on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, in Saint Mary’s Convent.
Sister Gerald was well known for her financial expertise and administrative prowess. Some have even called her a financial wizard. Her many accomplishments in the fields of finance and organization are legendary.
However, her complete dedication to the Congregation as she envisioned it should not be overshadowed by her administrative skills. She often spoke of “leaving her beloved Ireland and loving family members to cross the ocean to enter the community.” She called this her total gift of self as she embarked on her missionary journey to America.
This spirit of commitment to the Congregation was the focus of her life as a religious. She was motivated by good intentions in all that she did. To quote Father Hugh Cleary, CSC, “Her heart always was in the right place.”
Because of her love for the Blessed Sacrament, she faithfully attended adoration in Augusta Chapel every Monday and Thursday. Her pattern of prayer was: “I don’t talk to God. I just sit and listen because what he says to me is more important than what I might say to him.”
Though her physical sight and hearing were diminished, her spiritual vision was clearly directed toward God, her maker.
Funeral arrangements for Sister Gerald are as follows: Reception of the body and wake service on Monday, September 15, 2008, at 7 p.m. with the Mass of Resurrection on Tuesday, September 16, 2008, at 10:30 a.m. All of these ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto. May Sister rest in peace.