(August 16, 1922 - January 9, 2015)

Word has been received of the death of Sister M. Gabriella (Doran), who died at 3 a.m. on Friday, January 9, 2015, in Saint Mary’s Convent, Notre Dame, Indiana.
In the 75 years Sister Gabriella served the people of God as a Sister of the Holy Cross, she embraced each one of her assigned ministries with enthusiasm and zeal. Whether it was as a classroom teacher, principal, social worker, advocate for the elderly, health care coordinator or volunteer, she became totally involved in meeting the needs and challenges of each role.
It was never enough to do only what was expected. Sister Gabriella extended herself to go beyond the demands of the position and reached out to others with whom she worked. During her 30-plus years as an elementary school teacher in the schools of the Midwest, she used every opportunity to help not only the students but also the parents and others involved with the school and its activities. When she was changed from one mission to the next, she left behind many friends and associates who remained loyal to her for years.
In 1976 Sister Gabriella began a new type of ministry. She assisted Father Louis Putz, CSC, in establishing Harvest House in the South Bend-Mishawaka area. Father Putz had established these groups all across the country, and Sister Gabriella was enthusiastic to help the program get started locally. The program is active today at St. Adalbert Parish in South Bend, Indiana, and its purpose has remained the same: “The seniors in Harvest House are a lively group of Catholics who rejoice in the God-given gift of dear friendship ... If you are looking for a place to belong, as well as a place where God can use your gifts, then Harvest House is the place for you!”
Working with these energetic senior citizens sparked in Sister Gabriella a real desire to continue working as an advocate for the elderly, so it was a natural transition for her to spend the next five years as a caseworker in R.E.A.L. Services (Resources for Enriching Adult Living). Sister Gabriella then moved to related services in health care as nursing home director of pastoral services at St. John’s Medical Center in Anderson, Indiana, before taking that same position at Saint Joseph’s Care Center in South Bend for the next 13 years. Her retirement from that position sparked a farewell that reflected the appreciation and love of her fellow workers. The celebration was huge.
Never to rest on her laurels, Sister Gabriella became an avid member of the congregation’s vocation outreach team, pouring her energy into one of her favorite causes. She contacted numerous local parishes and urged them to form vocation committees that would identify and promote vocations. This zeal, for which Sister Gabriella was valued, was typical of her pursuit of what she considered a worthy cause.
In 2002 Sister Gabriella took on another cause that had long been dear to her heart. In her years as principal of St. Columba School in Cairo, Illinois, Sister Gabriella established lifelong friendships with the people there. She was sad to see the sisters withdrawn in 1963 since she saw such a dire need for a sister presence. The school initially was established as a mission to serve the African-American children in the area, but the state ordered the school to integrate, removing the aspect of special ministry to the poor. Another Holy Cross ministry in Cairo was Saint Mary’s Hospital, established in 1867, and which remained staffed by Holy Cross until 1973 when it was sold to a small hospital group. This group was not able to sustain a state-approved level of care and was closed in 1986. This then became a relic in terrible disrepair and a tragic remembrance of the sisters’ work. This lack of recognition became Sister Gabriella’s burning cause. Numerous parishioners agreed with sister that so many years of dedicated service should not be forgotten. So together they launched a campaign to attempt to gain recognition for the years of work of the Sisters of the Holy Cross among the people of Cairo. The zeal of this religious woman is admirable and acknowledged by all who knew and loved her.
The life of Sister Gabriella was filled with wonderful examples of service with love. Her reward will be great in heaven. May she rest in peace.