Computing at Saint Mary's College

Student Computing Recommendations


Technology resources have become an integral part of higher education, and students at Saint Mary’s College have access to a wide variety of technology resources and support. ResNet refers to the team that provides technology support to students at Saint Mary’s College. ResNet support is available to assist any student who requests our help with technology during the academic year.

Our ResNet website at will provide you with all of the computing information a student needs about our campus network. Our Student’s Guide to Bringing a Computer to Saint Mary’s College is available for download on the website. The guide will be very useful as you select a computer that will be an important academic and personal tool over the next four years. The guide includes a list of frequently asked questions and answers about ResNet to assist you with your search for the computer that best fits your needs. ResNet can also address your individual questions about what type of computer will best meet your personal and academic needs.

ResNet will be making computer recommendations for specific Apple and Dell computer models to help make your purchasing decisions easier. Our recommendations for specific models will be available in mid-July, and they will be listed on our ResNet website and e-mailed to incoming students. Apple and Dell typically offer special “Back to School” specials and pricing during the summer, and we wait until those deals are in place before announcing our recommendations. We strongly encourage you to wait to purchase a computer until you receive this information.

Our computer recommendations include a variety of options that should meet a student's needs for four years, and we also include in our recommendations the same models Saint Mary's College purchases for our faculty and staff.

We also recommend that students review our Student's Guide to Bringing a Computer to Saint Mary's College before purchasing a computer. This guide will assist you in selecting the best computer that will meet your needs and be compatible with the campus network, and what you need to know if you already have a computer.

Saint Mary's College offers Microsoft 365 licenses for free to our students. Microsoft 365 includes full versions of the current versions of Office for Mac and Windows that can be downloaded and installed on students' personally-owned computers and mobile devices. Students can request a license for Microsoft 365 via an online form that is accessible during the academic year. After a license has been assigned, installation instructions will be provided via e-mail and the software can be downloaded directly from Microsoft.

To Contact ResNet:
(574) 284-5319 

ResNet @ Saint Mary's College




Last updated: July 16, 2024