Health and Counseling Center Information for Parents

Information for PARENTS from the Health and Counseling Center

  • Your student has instructions on how to register for our patient portal. We encourage you to let her to fill out these forms with minimal assistance from you. It is time for her to know her health history, surgical history and have a good understanding of her family health history. Give guidance, but let her navigate and figure out how to complete these tasks.
  • Immunizations are part of the required forms. It is best to upload her immunization records to our portal so that they are in one place. She will be able, in years to come, to use the portal to access her records. Life after college seems like a long way off, but this is not the last time a school or employer will ask for immunization records.
  • If your daughter is over 18, her health information is protected as it is for any other adult. We cannot disclose information to you without a written release. We are happy to speak with you with a signed consent from your daughter for situation-specific concerns. We do not offer a “blank” 4-year release to speak with parents. We consider learning to self-advocate and navigating the world of health care as part of life-education.
  • Let your daughter “make the call.” Literally. Parents/roommates/friends/professors may not make appointments for students. Furthermore, let her decide, through speaking with our professionals, which medications and/or tests are the best course of action for her health. Again, this is part of her education for life. If we recommend something expensive (an x-ray, MRI, expensive medications), we will encourage her to speak with you and discuss options.
  • All appointments in the Health and Counseling Center are FREE. We charge a nominal fee for some services and medications. Students have the option to bill these charges to their student account. For privacy purposes, these charges will never specify what the fee is for. We do have a $25 no-show fee (but it is very easy to call and cancel or reschedule an appointment when necessary).
  • College is an exciting time with many transitions. Some are typical and expected – homesickness, changing a major, conflict with a friend or roommate, stress over grades. Some are more challenging – an unexpected diagnosis, loss of a loved one, etc. We have medical and counseling staff to help students with these transitions throughout the course of their college careers. If you see your daughter struggling, please encourage her to call one of the many campus resources designed to help her succeed, including the Health and Counseling Center.
  • Your student’s transformation over 4 years will be amazing! We take great delight in watching the metamorphosis of these “girls” as they blossom in to strong, confident, self-advocating adults. Give them your guidance, love and blessings, and then let them GO for it!