Class Excuse
Saint Mary's College Health and Counseling Center does NOT provide medical excuse notes for students who have missed classes, exams, or due dates for projects and papers. On a rare occasion, if a student is instructed not to attend class a Release of Medical Information must be signed by the student for HCC to notify Academic Affairs of the absence. Academic Affairs in turn will notify the appropriate professors.
When professors require a note from the Health and Counseling Center for missed classes, it creates a situation that forces the student to make an appointment, whether or not they need one. Eliminating unnecessary visits from students who make appointments for the sole purpose of obtaining medical excuse notes for their professors will leave appointments available for students who need to be seen. Appointments occurring after the missed class when the student is no longer ill or acutely injured makes it difficult to identify clear objective signs that the illness or injury absolutely precluded class attendance.
Our primary response will be to advise students of their responsibility to notify Academic Affairs, professors, work study supervisors, and coaches and make arrangements for missed classes, assignments, work, or practices. This approach encourages students, as emerging adults and leaders, to advocate for themselves and to take responsibility for their health and actions. It is also in line with standards of care in student health offices throughout the country.