The Saint Mary’s Alumnae Association Board of Directors along with the Office of Alumnae Relations hosted their annual panel discussion and networking reception last week.
The event was for current Saint Mary’s women who are looking ahead to the steps they should take to launch their lives and careers after graduation. Members of the Alumnae Board offered advice on how to get started in this particular job market, move forward when a clear career path is not clear, and take advantage of alumnae ties and networking. The group also advised those in attendance on how to go about networking, ways to find internships, and resume building and writing.
Students who attended the event were also treated to a special segment called “Saint Mary’s College What To Wear In A Job Interview.” Members of the Board gave examples of how to be dressed for an effective interview while advising students on the details of the job acquisition process.
“The Success After Saint Mary’s seminar gives current students from all majors a chance to meet and network with alumnae who have walked in their shoes,” commented Jessica Stuifbergen ’99, Assistant Director of Alumnae Relations. "Presentations and advice about graduate school, entrepreneurship, interview etiquette, and workplace adaptability give students give the students tools and examples they can take with them beyond the evening.”