A Movement to End Violence

Educator and victimologist Tena Dellaca-Hedrick will speak about her work with the Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center on Tuesday, October 4 at 7 p.m. in Vander Vennet Theatre, Student Center. The free program is open to the public. The Saint Mary’s College Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO) is sponsoring her visit for the second year in a row.

“We're honored to have Tena Dellaca-Hedrick return to Saint Mary's College,” said Connie Adams, assistant director for BAVO. “She is an expert in the areas of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking, and her passion engages students not only to become more aware of the issues of violence and abuse, but to become active in the movement to end violence.

“Ms. Dellaca-Hedrick has been personally impacted by violence. She has translated her personal experiences into her passion. Her personal story motivates students to examine their own lives and refine their life direction.”

Dellaca-Hedrick provides education and advocacy to emerging populations and serves on multiple boards and task forces that address issues of racism and violence. In her current position, she works as the victim advocate and outreach educator for a 15-county sexual violence program that she envisioned, created and implemented. She has served as an advocate in more than 8,000 cases in her professional career, including homicide, suicide, and interpersonal and stranger violence. In addition, she teaches victimology in the criminal justice program at Indiana Tech.

She has won local, state and national awards for her dedication to victims of violent crime, excellence in academia, and tireless dedication to volunteering in and around her community.

For more information about her visit, please contact Adams at (574) 284-4081 or cadams@saintmarys.edu