Event Spotlight Stories

The Office of Campus Experience and Events (CEE) at Saint Mary’s College, located within the Moreau Center for the Arts, is part of the lifeblood of campus. Diligently, the office works handling large internal and external events. Additionally, CEE handles box office ticket sales, summer camp programming, and promoting the performing arts to the greater community. 

CEE is a constant hub of collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and planning. Here, you are in the right place to learn more about all the incredible things happening within the Saint Mary’s Community. These Event Spotlights will give you the inside scoop and a behind-the-scenes look at life on campus beyond the day-to-day functions of Saint Mary’s College. Check back frequently for updates on the latest excitement here at Campus Experience and Events and learn more about how we serve our community.

Guest Book is Living Record of Visitors “Welcome to Saint Mary’s College. We are honored by your presence. Please sign this guest book as a remembrance for us of your visit.” - Carol A. Mooney, President of Saint Mary’s College (2004-2011) The Second City Returns to Saint Mary's The Second City, famed as an improvisational comedy group from Chicago, will return to campus for its second visit as part of the Margaret Hill Endowed Visiting Artist series. Dance Concert Showcases Campus Talent The powerful passion for the arts can exist everywhere and in everyone. This year’s DanceArts concert, The Power of the Arts, presented by the Saint Mary’s Dance Ensemble Workshop (DEW) explores the power of dance, design, music, and spoken word by Saint Mary's College faculty, staff, and students. A Note From the Cloak Room Campus and Community Events and O’Laughlin Auditorium have undergone a significant physical transformation this year: new carpet, new paint, wall removal, and some long overdue winnowing of files, records, and memorabilia. This summer, crews will transform the lobby restrooms, in hopes they will be ready by fall of 2022. Christmas Madrigal Dinner Celebrates 49 Years For almost five decades the Saint Mary’s Christmas Madrigal Dinner has been delighting the community with holiday cheer. Each December, guests are whisked back in time to a Renaissance banquet hall for a night of music and merriment. House Manager Positions Prepare Students for the Future Each month, Saint Mary’s College hosts countless events for our students and the community with passion and commitment. Hosting these events is not an easy task as it takes a great deal of planning and collaboration. The Campus and Community Events (CCE) office is responsible for ensuring the events run smoothly and efficiently. Music Beyond the Classroom The weekly Recital Forum Series has supplemented the Music Department’s course offerings for as long as the department members can remember. Every Monday at noon during the academic year, the Music Department invites guests to present on how music has shaped their career. Symposium Reveres the Moreau Center for the Arts Dynamic, collaborative, and joyful were just some of the words used to describe Revere, Revise, and Reimagine: A Symposium of Research and Creative Works held across campus on Friday, October 9 as part of the Inauguration of President Katie Conboy. Charlot Frescoes: O'Laughlin's Hidden Treasure Saint Mary’s College and the South Bend community have been widely recognized in the world of Fine Arts for many years. The college’s artistic influence traces back to nearly eight decades ago, when our very own Sister Madeleva brought the campus and its students to the forefront of the fine arts community. Saint Mary's Welcomes Jacqueline Woodson Each year, the Humanistic Studies department at Saint Mary’s College presents the Christian Culture Lecture, an event open to students and the public that features prominent figures in the Humanities field.