An Evening with Diane Seuss Registration Form

Thank you for registering for An Evening with Diane Seuss, sponsored by the Saint Mary's College English Department and Visiting Writers Series!

We look forward to your attendance on 11/4/21 at 7:00pm. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide including Zoom information. Please contact Dr. Rebecca Lehmann, Director of the Visiting Writers Series, with any questions at

Please tell us the number of additional guests. Leave as zero if only you in attendance.
Are you affiliated with the College?
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We care about your privacy! Your email will not be sold or shared with any other party unless explicitly requested by you. By selecting "yes", you authorize us to add you to the department mailing list for this event. You may opt out at anytime by simply clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of our emails.
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