Clone of Katie Conboy, Ph.D.

Expanding the Boundaries of Who We Are, and Who We Can Be

Dr. Katie Conboy became the 14th president of Saint Mary’s College on June 1, 2020.

Dr. Conboy approaches her role as President with an appreciation for our historical identity and an abiding focus on innovation. Conboy invites those with whom she works to explore new approaches to every endeavor, and challenges students to bring curiosity and critical thinking to each day of their campus life.

As president, Conboy continues our 177-year-old mission of elevating the social and economic empowerment of women, providing undergraduate women with a strong liberal arts education, as well as offering all students the opportunity to advance their education in a growing number of graduate programs. Conboy’s vision for Saint Mary’s—its growth and identity for the next decade—is outlined in our ambitious strategic plan “Revere and Revise: Saint Mary’s College 2030.” This plan will advance the mission of Saint Mary’s over the next 10 years, and provide a campus that is recognized for its diverse student body, and rooted in the Catholic faith.

Learn more about President Conboy’s vision for Saint Mary’s College here.



Katie Conboy

I wish for all of us that we foster a spirit of togetherness and belonging under our Saint Mary's roof. That we share that spirit with the broader community. That we be willing to change; to invite wonder and surprise into our midst. And perhaps, find ourselves transformed in the process.

- Katie Conboy, Ph.D.

Insights from the President

Catholic Education

Why a Women's College?

Value of Liberal Arts

Office of the President

134 Le Mans Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556


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