Student and Faculty Research Summaries

Student and faculty research is an integral component of Saint Mary's College. Showcased here are the abstracts of ongoing and completed projects, written by the researchers themselves.

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy and Science Marwan Gebrane
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics
Innovation in technological capabilities and processes, as well as an associated increase of astronomical data, presents the need for a more efficient way to process this data.
Peripheral Manuscripts Project Sarah Noonan
Associate Professor of English
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources, the Peripheral Manuscripts Project is in the process of digitizing and describing medieval manuscript items held at twenty-two Midwestern institutions. The Indiana University Libraries in Bloomington are scanning or photographing partner holdings, while researchers at IU Bloomington, Loyola University Chicago, and Saint Mary’s College (Sarah Noonan, associate professor of English) are creating metadata for these objects, including many items unrecorded in previous bibliographical surveys.
Regulatory vs. Voluntary Industry Approaches in ‘Conflicts of Interest Disclosure’ Systems across Borders Geislar, S.; Mintzes, B.; Holman, B.; Karanges, E.; Dai-Keller, Z.; Chiu, K.; Sung, R., Flood, L. The Affordable Care Act Section 6002, also known as the Sunshine Act, requires pharmaceutical companies to disclose payments to physicians which are then publicly available on the Open Payments (OP) system website. The OP is meant to provide transparency on financial ties with pharmaceutical companies which previous research has shown can affect the design, conduct, and reporting of clinical trials of drug treatments [1]. Since 2015, a similar system has been in place under the auspices of Medicines Australia (MA), Australia’s research-based pharmaceutical industry association. MA requires member countries to report payments provided to individual clinicians. Moral Resilience Formation for Novice Staff Nurses Adapted from Rick Becker's article, "The Impact of Moral Distress on Staff and Novice Nurses," which appeared in the January 2024 issue of Journal of Christian Nursing. Moral distress is an interior affliction associated with exterior conflicts between one’s values, obligations, and actions. It affects nurses of all ages and experience levels – including Christian nurses and nurses from every religious background. Moral distress is on the rise, negatively impacting nurses directly and patients indirectly. Novice nurses are particularly susceptible to moral distress because of their relative inexperience and limited prelicensure formation in ethics. More can be done to mitigate the impact of moral distress on novice nurses, especially through helping them build up their moral reserves and nurture moral resiliency. Computational Physics Applied to Tracking and Counting Bats Ian Bentley
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics
A few to a few hundred bats can live in man-made roosts and tens of thousands to tens of millions of bats can live in caves across the country. Providing accurate counts of bats is of interest to biological researchers and conservationists studying various phenomena including monitoring the relation between environmental stresses and population size and the spread of disease. But both small roosts and large colonies provide challenges when attempting to provide an accurate population count.
Making Room at the Table: The Case Against a Value-Free Ideal in Food Waste Measurement Sally Geislar
Faculty Environmental Studies
In a now highly cited article on food waste policy, Bellemare et al., (2017) argue that measures of food waste measurement overstates the problem and are consequently “misallocating...resources that are currently being put into food waste” (p. 1148). I argue that in their attempts to place “sound measurement as the basis of sound policy-making” (p. 1149), Bellemare, et al.’s purportedly accurate, precise, and unifying definition of food waste fundamentally fails because the value-laden definitions they critique are both apt and crucial for the study and management of food waste.
Information Literacy and Gaming Judith Falzon
Faculty, Library Science
I was one of three researchers and co-authored a journal article published July 2022 in the International Journal of Librarianship on using games to teach information literacy to undergraduates.