Carmelite Seminar

It is with hearts full of gratitude that we thank everyone involved in the Carmelite Seminar for your participation over the past twenty-eight years.  Your presence here has been a blessing to the College and the Center for Spirituality.  You have shared with us your lives of faith, prayer, and commitment to the Gospel and the Carmelite tradition.  The staff of the College have truly enjoyed getting to know you and have looked forward each summer to your return.

The Dates for the 2015 Carmelite Symposium have been announced!

The Carmelite Forum is now part of the Carmelite Institute.  Please join them at a symposium exploring St. Teresa of Avila's Gift to the 21st Century at the University of St. Mary's of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois, June 28th-July 2, 2015.  You may keep abreast of plans for the 2015 event on various Carmelite websites, for example,

What is the Seminar on Carmelite Spirituality?

Since 1985 this seminar, held at Saint Mary's College and conducted by the Carmelite Forum, has explored various themes and texts from the Carmelite Tradition. Special attention has been given to the Carmelite Rule, the Institution of the First Monks and the life and texts of Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Titus Brandsma and Edith Stein, etc. Lectures and workshops offered through the years have been disseminated through tapes, articles and several books. As John Paul II has written, Carmel is "where prayer becomes life and life flourishes in prayer."

If you have questions, please contact Kathy Guthrie, 574-284-4636 or email her at

The Carmelite Seminar is sponsored by the Center for Spirituality in cooperation with the Carmelite Forum. Laity, religious, and clergy of all faiths are welcome to the seminar.