Classroom Presentations, Workshops and Events
Whether we come to your class to present on career-related topics or you bring your class to the Career Crossings Office for a visit, we can create customized classroom presentations, workshops and events tailored to the needs of your students. As a faculty advisor to student clubs and organizations, we can also provide workshops and programs to fit the needs of any club or organization.
Some ways in which to connect with the CCO on presentations, workshops and events include, but are not limited to:
- Alumnae career panels and presentations
- Instead of cancelling your class, invite us to present on a career-related topic
- Co-sponsor major programs with the CCO including Speed Networking Nights, mock interviews and other major events throughout the academic year
- Invite the CCO for “open hours” in your department in which our staff will provide services to your students
CCO Link on Department Website
Encourage your students to utilize the resources through the CCO by including a link to the CCO’s website on your department’s website. In addition, we can update our website with any web links and online resources specific to your students. Feel free to send the CCO any additional information that you would like to have added to our website at
Sharing Information of Internship and Job Opportunities
As job and internship opportunities come available, the Career Crossings Office will send out notices to faculty regarding opportunities that are relevant to their discipline. This information can be shared with students and alumnae who are seeking positions and may have an interest in the opportunities.
In addition, the CCO is asking for the assistance of faculty and staff in ensuring the continued development of opportunities by forwarding any positions they are aware of to the CCO. Often times, we can ensure that they reach a larger audience of students and alumnae who are seeking positions through Handshake as well as e-mail.
To submit opportunities to our office, please e-mail them to
Providing Direct Student Referrals for Services
The Career Crossings Office offers a wide variety of services and resources aimed at providing developmental support throughout the four years students are at Saint Mary’s College Our services are provided through both group settings (events, workshops, seminars and related programs) as well as individual career counseling appointments. We are here to assist students with the following:
- Choosing a Major/Exploring Career Options
- Internship Searching
- Job Searching
- Résumé and Cover Letter Writing
- Networking and Interviewing Skills
- Graduate School Preparation
- Exploring Alternative Post-Graduate Options
As you encounter students who could benefit from assistance with any of the issues above, please feel free to refer them to our office. Students are welcome to contact us in person, by telephone or by e-mail at:
Career Crossings Office
Spes Unica, Room 114