Bread and Puppet Theater

Bread and Puppet Theater

Sep 24

Le Mans Green

The circus is coming! Saint Mary’s College is proud to host the famous Bread & Puppet Theater, the internationally celebrated company that champions a visually rich, street-theater brand of performance art filled with music, dance, and slapstick.

Its shows are political and spectacular, with puppets often on stilts, wearing huge masks with expressive faces, singing, dancing, and playing music. Part of the Margaret Hill Guest Artist Series and co-sponsored by the Debartolo Performing Arts Center, the group will perform its brand-new outdoor show, The Apocalypse Defiance Circus. The show is “in response to our totally unresurrected capitalist situation, not only the hundreds of thousands of unnecessarily sacrificed pandemic victims but our culture’s unwillingness to recognize Mother Earth’s revolt against our civilization. Since we earthlings do not live up to our earthling obligations, we need resurrection circuses to yell against our own stupidity.” -Peter Schumann, founder

Join the spectacle on September 24 at 3 p.m. on the lawn of LeMans Hall on Saint Mary’s campus. The free show is unticketed and open to the public. Bring a chair or blanket.