The Saint Mary’s College strategic plan Path to Leadership has as one of its goals the strengthening of the academic programs at the College. This is achieved in part by the assessment of its major programs of study. The regular assessment process, about which the departments and interdisciplinary programs of the College report annually to the Dean, provides information and opportunities for revision of its academic offerings. Additionally, it is helpful to listen to the views of peer reviewers in the academy who reside outside the department or program of study and, indeed, outside the College itself. For this reason, the strategic plan includes the external reviews of all departments/programs as one of its tactics to achieve academic excellence. These reviews will begin with those departments that are not externally accredited (such departments that undergo external accreditation are Fine Arts, Nursing, Social Work, Education, and the ACS major in Chemistry.) The Academic Program Review (referred to as the “external review) will commence with the AY 08-09 academic year.
Saint Mary's College Academic Program Review Protocol
Academic Departments who have completed their Program Review:
- Anthropology (AY08-09)
- Biology (AY09-10)
- Chemistry (AY09-10)
- Communication Studies (AY08-09)
- Italian (AY09-10)
- Mathematics (AY10-11)
- Music (AY09-10)
- Nursing (AY10-11)
- Philosophy (AY10-11)
- Political Science (AY08-09)