Angela Gallery

Saint Mary’s is proud to share the completion of the Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex renovation and expansion project. As part of the College’s Faith Always, Action Now capital campaign, more than $26 million was raised to fund the Angela project. The construction of the Patricia Wiedner Purcell Athletic Fields was completed in 2016, and in January 2018, the final touches were put in place on the renovation and expansion of Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex.

View of main level with a lounge in the foreground and weight training area in the background.
View of north lounge area with weight training space behind it. Facing south.
Basketball team practicing on the lower level performance court.
View of the basketball team practicing on the performance court. The weight training area can be seen to the left. The south entrance to the building is on the upper-right side of the view.
View of Murphy's Cafe, in the south east portion of the new building.
Members of the campus community enjoy the healthy offerings of Murphy's Cafe, which is located in the southeast portion of the facility.
Dedicated spin class room.
A dedicated spin room is one of three rooms located on the west side of the building for both physical education classes and open, private exercise space.
South Lounge fireplace. Facing south. Le Mans Hall can be seen through the windows.
A new dedicated golf room on the lower level of the building features a putting green, driving/pitching area, and lockers for members of the varsity golf team.
A large, mulit-sectioned lounge area with televisions is located in the middle of the upper level of the facility.
All new treadmills, stair climbers, ellipitcals, and recumbent bikes are located on the north side of the building. Each has its own monitor to allow users to stream videos, television shows, and music.