Student Information Center

We are here to help make your experience at Saint Mary’s the best it can be. Understanding it can be challenging to know where to start when you have a question, need assistance, or encounter an obstacle, we have designed this page to answer the most frequently asked questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact Mona Bowe, at or 574-284-4859 to direct you to the appropriate campus or community resource.

Select from one of the following topics:

+Academic Process

+Academic Support

+Accessibility Resources

+Career Support

+Diversity and Inclusion


+Health and Wellness

+ID and Personal Info


+Student Employment

Complete on-campus employment paperwork

Enter my time to get paid as a student employee. After clicking on this link, click on "Company Single Sign On", then on the SMC logo, then on the Web Clock icon.

Request an adjustment to the times entered on my time card. After clicking on this link, click on "Company Single Sign On", then on the SMC logo, then on the Time and Absences icon.

Review my student employee previous time cards. After clicking on this link, click on "Company Single Sign On", then on the SMC logo, then on the Time and Absences icon.

Find a job on campus


+Student Life


+Title IX, Sexual Assault or Violence


This resource page is maintained by the Office of Retention Strategies. Additional questions to be included and/or corrections to this page can be sent to Mona Bowe,