Direct Entry into Accelerated SMC to ND Master of Science in Accountancy

SMC to ND Master of Science in Accountancy

Saint Mary’s undergraduate students may complete an accelerated accounting track in order to pursue either a 4.5-year or 5-year pathway to complete both a Bachelor of Business Administration with the Major or Concentration in Accounting from the College, and a Master of Science in Accountancy from Notre Dame. To find out more about the accelerated program with Notre Dame, click here.

Direct Entry Option for Entering First-Year Students

Students interested in the direct entry accelerated accounting program with the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame (3.5+1 or 4+1) must meet the following criteria:

  • Apply to Saint Mary's by January 15 (students who apply after this date will be considered on a space available basis)
  • List Accounting as one of their three major interests on the application
  • Have a cumulative high school GPA of a 3.3 or higher

Once at Saint Mary's, students will need to meet these requirements to remain in either the Accounting major or the Business Administration major with a concentration in Accounting and remain on track to enter the Mendoza College of Business:

  • To be eligible to remain in the major:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in six required prerequisite courses: BUAD 201, BUAD 202, BUAD 221, BUAD 231, ECON 251, ECON 252
  • To be eligible for the accelerated accounting 3.5 + 1 program with Mendoza College of Business:
    • Overall GPA of a 3.2 and a cumulative GPA of a 3.5 in the Accounting major or concentration at Saint Mary's