Are you ready for a transforming experience?
To become #officiallySMC, you first need to make your deposit and then you'll be on your way. This step not only secures your status as a Saint Mary's student, but activates a sequence of events to become a Belle.
The enrollment deposit is $400. If you plan to live on campus, $200 covers your residence hall security deposit, and $200 will be credited to your tuition bill. If you plan to live off campus, with family, the entire $400 is credited to your tuition bill. For Early Decision accepts, the deposit is non-refundable. For Regular Decision accepts, the deposit deadline is May 1 and the deposit is refundable before May 1. After May 1, the deposit is non-refundable.
You will need to log in to make your deposit online using your applicant portal login. Information about your login can be found in an email to the address you used when you applied with the subject line "Your Applicant Portal." If you have any questions, please contact your admission counselor.
Once you have made your deposit you'll want to keep going. First be sure to apply for financial aid. This will get the process started so you can secure aid to help cover your college expenses. If you're an incoming first-year student, join your class Facebook page once it becomes available to meet other students in your amazing class!
Made Your Deposit? Here’s Your To-Do List
Welcome to Saint Mary's College, where you are joining a great variety of women who are eager to learn, grow, lead, and prepare to change the world.

“It’s almost humbling to realize you’re surrounded by so many great women who have excelled in high school and have every intention of excelling in college, too.”
- Natalie Grasso, Sharon, Pennsylvania