Mary O'Callaghan

Faculty Profiles

Mary O'Callaghan Headshot

Mary O'Callaghan

Faculty Fellow


I have worked in the area of intellectual and developmental disabilities in different capacities for many years: first as a direct service provider in a group home and psychiatric hospital, then as a graduate student, statistical consultant and researcher in this area, and most recently as a public policy fellow advocating for individuals with cognitive disabilities. Personally, I have a son who has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism.

In my experience, there is rarely a single ‘best solution’ to help individuals with autism and other special needs reach their full potential; it takes a dedicated support team of parents, family members, friends, therapists, physicians, teachers, and other community workers. I am excited to be part of the Autism Studies faculty at Saint Mary’s because there is a similar cooperative mentality here. We are working on this venture together, each contributing our own particular expertise with the common goal of offering students a training that is both comprehensive and integrated. This training will equip students to contribute to the autism community as team players as well.

  • PhD, Developmental Psychology, University of Notre Dame
  • BA, Psychology, Creighton University
Areas of Expertise
  • Statistics
  • Public Policy and Legislative Advocacy
  • Ethical issues in Prenatal Diagnosis of Disability
Research Interests
  • Statistics
  • Developmental Disability
  • Prenatal Diagnosis of Disability
  • Catholic Teaching on Human Sexuality and Developmental Disability
Courses Recently Taught

AUST 530: Quantitative Methods in Autism Research

Professional Experience
  • University of Notre Dame,  Public Policy Fellow,  deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture
  • University of Notre Dame, Adjunct Teaching Professor, ITAO Department, Mendoza Business College
Creative and Scholarly Work
  • O’Callaghan, M. (2019, February 15). The Devastating Fallout of Prenatal Testing. Church Life Journal
  • O’Callaghan, M. (2019). Teaching Human Dignity: Prenatal Diagnosis and Disability Selective Abortion. Part of the Teaching Human Dignity Series curriculum materials, McGrath Institute for Church Life, Notre Dame, IN.
  • Affidavit of Mary F. O’Callaghan, EMW Women’s Surgical Ctr., et al. v. Beshear et al., 2019 WL 1233575, ECF 42-1 (W.D. Ky. March 15, 2019)
  • O’Callaghan, M .  Prenatal Screening and Selective Abortion of Infants with Down Syndrome and Other Disabilities. Presented at UN Side Event:  No Room in Rural Villages, Cities, & Homes for Those with Disabilities? Are Girls & Boys with Down Syndrome Being Left Behind?  United Nations, March 20, 2018.  United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York. Invited address.
  • O’Callaghan, M. (2015, September 11).  Joys, Struggle, and Scare Tactics: Down Syndrome and Abortion. The Public Discourse.  Retrieved April 3, 2020 from
  • Snead, O.C.,  & O’Callaghan, M. (2019, January 2). The Supreme Court Should Protect Unborn Children with Down Syndrome. The Public Discourse. Retrieved April 3, 2020 from
  • Maxwell, S.E., O’Callaghan, M.F. and  Delaney, H.D. (1993). Analysis of covariance. In Lynn K. Edwards (Ed.) Applied analysis of variance in behavioral science (pp. 63-104). New York: Marcell-Dekker, Inc.
  • Miller, C.L., O’Callaghan, M.F., Keogh, D.A., and Whitman, T.L. (1994). Mental Retardation. In V. B. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen, (Eds.) Advanced Abnormal Psychology (pp. 143-163). New York: Plenum Press.
  • Miller, C.L., White, R. Whitman, T.L., O’Callaghan, M.F., and Maxwell, S.E. (1995). The effects of cycled versus noncycled lighting on growth and development in preterm infants. Infant Behavior and Development, pp. 87-95.
  • O’Callaghan, M., Borkowski, J.G., Whitman, T.L., and Maxwell, S.E., & Keogh, D.A. (1999). A model of adolescent parenting. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 9, 203-225.
  • O’Callaghan, J. and O’Callaghan, M (2019). The Family: To the Divine Image of Mercy.  Doctor Communis: Pontificia Academia Sancti Thomae Aquinatis. ATTI XVI Sessione Plenaria, pp. 289-307.
  • Scherzinger, M.F., Keogh, D.A., and Whitman, T.L. (1993). Mental Retardation in adults. In R.T. Ammerman and M. Hersen, (Eds) Handbook of behavior therapy with children and adults: A longitudinal perspective (pp. 331-347). New York: Plenum Press.
  • Whitman, T.L., Borkowski, Keogh,D.A., Weed,K. and  O’Callaghan, M. (2001). Development of adolescent mothers. In T.L. Whitman, J.G. Borkowski, D.A. Keogh, & K. Weed. Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children. (pp. 65-94 ) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Whitman, T.L., Borkowski, Keogh,D.A., Weed,K.  and O’Callaghan, M. (2001). Predicting child development.  In T.L. Whitman, J.G. Borkowski, D.A. Keogh, & K. Weed. Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children. (pp.149-170 ) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Whitman, T.L., Borkowski, Keogh,D.A., Weed,K. , O’Callaghan, M. and Dukewich, T.L. (2001). Predicting maternal outcomes. In T.L. Whitman, J.G. Borkowski, D.A. Keogh, & K. Weed. Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children. (pp. 95-117 ) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Whitman, T.L., Borkowski, Keogh,D.A., Weed,K., O’Callaghan, M., and Wilard, C.  (2001). Developmental delays in children of adolescent mothers. In T.L.
  • Whitman, J.G. Borkowski, D.A. Keogh, & K. Weed. Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children. (pp.119-147  ) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Whitman, T.L., O’Callaghan, M.F., and Sommer, K.S. (1997). Emotion and mental retardation. In W. MacClean (Ed.) Handbook of mental deficiency: Psychological theory and research (3rd Ed.) (PP.77-98).
  • Whitman, T.L., Scherzinger, M.F. , and Sommer (1991). Cognitive instruction and mental retardation. In P.C. Kendall (Ed) Child and Adolescent Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral procedures (pp.276-315). New York: Guilford.
Professional Memberships

Governing Board Member, National Catholic Partnership on Disability