Faculty Profiles

Laura Williamson
Associate Professor
9 Spes Unica Hall, Rm 147
PhD, University of Michigan
BA, Rutgers University
Research Interests
- Early modern literature and culture
- Domestic mobility
- Women & travel
- History of reading
- History of cartography
- Cultutal geography
- History of science & technology
Courses Recently Taught
- HUST 103: Lives and Times
- HUST 290: Humanities Works - Using Your Humanities Training
- HUST 323: Ancient and Early Medieval Literature
- HUST 324: Medieval and Renaissance Literature
- HUST 463: Early Modern Literature
Creative and Scholarly Work
- "Moved by God: Mobility and Spiritual Agency in Anna Trapnel's Repent & Plea." Renaissance Studies. (2019)
- “Lady Anne Clifford’s ‘Way’ and Aristocratic Women’s Travel,” Traveling/Travailing Women: Early Modern England and the Wider World. Edited by Bernadette Andrea and Patricia Akhimie. University of Nebraska Press (November 2018)
- "Crossing and Communications in Shakespeare's England." The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare. Edited by Bruce R. Smith and Katherine Rowe. Cambridge University Press. (2016)
- “Travel in Time: Local Travel and Seventeenth-Century English Almanacs.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. (2013)
- Williamson Ambrose, Laura & Ambrose, G. Alex. “The Blended Advising Model: Transforming Advising With ePortfolios.” International Journal of ePortfolio. (2013)
Professional Memberships
Shakespeare Association of America
Modern Language Association
Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender
Renaissance Society of America