Faculty Profiles

Julia Weinstein
Dr. Julia Weinstein currently serves as Assistant Professor of Music Education at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame. She teaches music education courses and is the faculty advisor to the Saint Mary’s College chapter of the National Association of Music Education: Collegiate. During her P-12 teaching career, Julia taught middle school concert and jazz band, elementary school general music, private lessons, and worked as a marching band technician for high schools throughout Florida. She has also worked as an instructor and director at arts summer camps for grades P-6. During her band teaching career, Julia conducted numerous performances in the community and at Disney World. Under her direction, her school received the Florida Music Education Association’s Secondary Music Enrollment Award. While teaching elementary music, she conducted a found-percussion ensemble called Junk Jammers and her students performed at the All County Music Festival. Julia completed her PhD in Music Education as well as her Masters in Music Education degree at the University of Florida and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Music Education from the University of South Florida. Her research interests include popular music in music education and music teacher education, and her research has been published in the peer-reviewed journal, Research Perspectives in Music Education. She has also presented her research at the National Association for Music Education National Conference, International Society for Music Education World Conference, Colloquium for Instrumental Music Teacher Educators, Symposium on Music Teacher Education, Desert Skies Symposium, and the Florida Music Education Association’s state conference.
- PhD. in Music Education: University of Florida
- M.M. in Music Education: University of Florida
- B.S. in Music Education: University of South Florida
- Band
- General music
- Popular music
- Popular music
- Music teacher education
- Developmental psychology
- Secondary Methods: MUS 453
- Brass Techniques: MUS 254
- Voices in Time: MUS 150
- American Popular Music: MUS 242
Weinstein, J. R. (2022). Shared language for assessment literacy: A summary of the working session. In M. Haning, A. Lehmann-Wermer, & T. S. Brophy (Eds.), Assessment in Music Education: Theory, Practice, and Policy (pp. 247-253). GIA Publications.
Weinstein, J. R., & Haning, M. (2022). Directors’ use and perceptions of popular music in middle school concert band. Research Perspectives in Music Education, 22(2), 3-18. https://doi.org/10.55814/
Weinstein, J. R. (2025). How do music producers learn?: A case study. Journal for Popular Music Education, online first. https://doi.org/10.1386/jpme_00156_1
Weinstein, J. R. (2024). Assessing creativity in the music classroom: A survey of practices in the United States. In M. Haning & A. Lehmann-Wermser (Eds.), Diversity and unity: Selected papers from the Ninth International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education. GIA Publications.
White, E., & Weinstein, J. (2023). The culture of a developing MIDI group: Implications for music education. Media Journal in Music Education, 1. http://music.arts.usf.edu/content/go/music-education/mjme/links/midigro…
- National Association for Music Education Society for Music Teacher Education
- Indiana Music Education Association
- The Association for Popular Music Education
- The College Music Society
- International Society for Music Education