Faculty Profiles

Ewa Misiolek
Associate Professor
335 Madeleva Hall
PhD, University of Notre Dame
MA, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Research Interests
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Computational Geometry
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
Courses Recently Taught
- MATH 114: Introduction to Statistics
- MATH 241: Statistical Applications
- MATH 353: Modern Algebra I
- MATH 353: Modern Algebra II
- MATH 496: Pro-seminar II
- CPSC 210: Introduction to Data Science
- CPSC 308: Electronic Communications
- CPSC 315: Stimulation: Theory and Application
- CPSC 417: Systems Analysis and Design
- CPSC 429: Database Systems
- CPSC 529: Database Systems
- DSCI 501: Data Mining
Creative and Scholarly Work
- Misiolek, Ewa, D.Z. Chen. “Computing Toolpaths for 5-Axis Machines.” To appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
- Misiolek, Ewa, D.Z. Chen. “Algorithms for Interval Structures with Applications.” Theoretical Computer Science (2013): 508:41-53.
- Misiolek, Ewa, D.Z. Chen. “Flattening Topologically Spherical Surface.” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2012): 23(3):309–321.
- Misiolek, Ewa, D.Z. Chen. “Free-Form Surface Partition in 3-D.” International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (2011): 21(6):609–634.
- Misiolek, Ewa, N. Bansal, D.Z. Chen, D. Coppersmith, X.S. Hu, S. Luan, B. Schieber, C. Wang. “Shape Rectangularization Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy.” Algorithmica (2011): 60(2):421–450.
Professional Memberships
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)