Faculty Profiles
Elsa Hinds
PhD University of Michigan
MS University of Michigan
BA Smith College
Research Interests
- Organic Synthesis
- Catalysis
Creative and Scholarly Work
- Zahara, A. J.*; Hinds, E. M.*; Nguyen, A. L.; Wilkerson-Hill, S. M. “Programmed Sequential Additions to Halogenated Mucononitriles.” Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 8065-8069. * indicates equal contribution - Awarded Paper of the Year 2020 Preprint uploaded to ChemRxiv September 4, 2020: doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv.12919343.
- Bornowski, E. C.*; Hinds, E. M.*; White, D. R.*; Nakamura, Y.; Wolfe, J. P. “Pd-Catalyzed Alkene Difunctionalization Reactions of Enolates for the Synthesis of Substituted Bicyclic Cyclopentanes” Org. Process Dev. 2019, 23, 1610-1630. * indicates equal contribution
- White, D. R.; Hinds, E. M.*; Bornowski, E. C.*; Wolfe, J. P. “Pd-Catalyzed Alkene Difunctionalization Reactions of Malonate Nucleophiles: Synthesis of Substituted Cyclopentanes via Alkene Aryl-Alkylation and Alkenyl-Alkylation” Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 3813-3816. * indicates equal contribution
- Hinds, E. M.; Wolfe, J. P. “A Cross-Metathesis/Aza-Michael Reaction Strategy for the Synthesis of Cyclic and Bicyclic Ureas” J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83,10668-10676. - Highlighted in Synfacts 10/2018
- Hinds, E. M.; Shultz, G V. “Investigation of the Factors that Influence Undergraduate Student Chemistry Course Selection” J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 95, 913-919.