Faculty Profiles
David R. Stefancic
PhD, University of Wisconsin
MA, Marquette University
BA, University of Wisconsin
Research Interests
- Modern European history
- Polish and central European history
- History of revolution
- History of nationalism
Courses Recently Taught
- HIST 104: World civilization II
- HIST 342: History of classical Greece
- HIST 343: Classical Rome
- HIST 367: History of Ireland
- HIST 369: History of revolutionary France
- HIST 371: The city in modern European history I
- HIST 377: Russia
- HIST 378: The Middle East
- HIST 382: Modern east/central Europe
- HIST 397: Independent study
- HIST 413: Women in revolutions
- HIST 495: Senior seminar
- HIST 998: Advanced writing proficiency
- HIST 999: Senior comprehensive